HYIP Scripts · 18.09.2020 0

Btc-broker hype script for free

Download the Btc-broker HYIP script for free on the Blitz-Script engine

Short installation instructions for Blitz-Script :

There is an auto-installer on the site, if you couldn’t install it through it, use the instructions below.

In the file conf.php (line 15), specify the production address of your website of this type: site.ru

//production version :
define('PRODUCTION', TRUE || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === 'site.ru'); //укажи свой сайт

Then create a database and in the file conf.php fill in the connection data for the PRODUCTION version

   //на выкат
   error_reporting(0);                          //запрещяем вывод ошибок ошбики
   define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');              //хост,(строка 36)
   define('DB_USER', 'pro_db_user');            //Юзер БД,(строка 37)
   define('DB_PASS', 'pro_db_password');        //Пароль БД,(строка 38)
   define('DB_NAME', 'pro_db_name');            //Имя базы даннх,(строка 39)
   define('DB_CHAR', 'utf8');

As soon as you fill out the settings, contact your website/install : site.ru/install
The database will be automatically installed and you can get started.

Site screenshots :

Btc-broker скрипт хайпа
Btc-broker скрипт хайпа
Btc-broker скрипт хайпа