Prophecy – An Online Betting Platform (nulled)

Prophecy is a betting management system. It can be used to guess the result of WorldCup / Tournament matches in a kind of prediction. The players compete in guessing the correct result of some kind of match. Soccer, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, or even Yes/No questions like: will Brazil win the next WorldCup. At first User need to deposit for predicting. User will get interest followed by ratio. Admin can control match lock/unlock, ratio update, question , option add instantly where user doesn’t need to website reload.
Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform (nulled)

User Features
Bet History
24+ automated payment method
Transaction Log
Deposit Money
Deposit Log
Withdraw/Payout History
Email + SMS + Push Notification
Profile & Password Updaten
Referral Commission
Support Ticket
Admin Features
Financial Statistics & Information
KYC Management
Role Permission Management
Manage Game Category
Manage Game Tournament
Manage Team
Manage Match
Real Time Match, question, option Add / Update
Real Time Match, question lock/ Unlock
Prediction Result Manage
Make winner
Refund Prediction Amount
User Management
User Statistics & Reports
24+ Automated Payment Method
Manual Payment/ Bank deposit System Added
Complete Payment History
Withdraw Request Log
Withdraw Report
Support Ticket
Website Basic Controls
Email Configuration
Email Template Management
SMS Configuration
SMS Template Management
Push Notification
Logo & SEO Management
All Content Management
Profile & Password Update