HTML templates · 29.05.2024 0

Super Center Premium Blogger Template | Download Free

It is the multi-purpose blogger Template. If your website is about news, blog writing, portfolio, etc. then this template will obviously suit you. If you are new at blogger and don’t want to spend money soon, then you can download free and use it in your blog. This premium blogger template is fully responsive, well optimized and SEO friendly.
Super Center Premium Blogger Template | Download Free

If you want to monetize your blog through Adsense or Native ads or Affiliate marketing, then you can try this template as well. It is well designed for the publishers. You can show as many advertise in your home page or web pages manually as per your requirements. You don’t need a huge knowledge to design your blog using this template, because its dashboard is easy to customize. If you have only basic knowledge about CSS and HTML then you can give a beautiful look to your blog.

Important features of Super Center Premium Blogger Templates Download Free
Dark Mode: You don’t need to do anything for activating this feature. Your website visitor can easily enable dark mode by tapping the switch button. The switch is available in the header section.
Social Sharing Link: Social links are available in the top of the site with their respective icons. Your visitors can share your post through links in social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. It helps to increase your web traffic which generates more revenue for you.

Custom 404 Page: Custom 404 page is very important for your site. If you removed the post from your site then, visitors will get 404 errors as a notice. If a visitors search any unavailable topic in your website then they will get 404 warning as well.
Breaking News Ticker: Most of the WordPress sites have breaking news ticker at the top of the website. It gives premium looks to your site and also it will increase your page view count. In the Super Center blogger template you can find this beautiful feature in it.

Easy footer Credit Customization: In this template you can remove or edit the footer credit easily. In other templates you have to edit footer credit by editing the HTML. In the Super center, you have a footer editing option in the Dashboard layout section.