Script – BIZZAN Cryptocurrency Exchange Script

GTVCOIN was founded by a group of early Bitcoin participants and geeks. The main members of the team are representatives of such well-known companies as Google, Microsoft and so on. The company has deep scientific research and development, as well as extensive experience working with Internet products.
GTVCOIN is located in a basic blockchain service provider designed to provide a high-quality platform for trading encrypted assets for global users, adhering to the basic principle of “DON’T BE EVIL”, maintaining honest, fair and enthusiastic customer service and welcoming all partners/projects that benefit the fundamental interests of users with an open attitude.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Script in 2023

A new reconstructed version of the Java currency contract exchange (new front-end, back-end)
front desk:
Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: test
Password: 123456

Account: 13800138001
Password: 123456

otc, currency-to-currency transactions, flash swaps, currency-based perpetual contracts, U-based perpetual contracts, options contracts, second contracts,
Innovation lab (first launch (snap buying), first launch (equal split), position sharing, free subscription, cloud mining machine), financial management (regular, scheduled investment), etc., multi-language background, support for multi-chain automatic deposit and withdrawal
A full set of 30,000 USDT. There is a separate charge for developing new features, including back-end Java, front-end Vue, native Android ios APP source code, deployment tutorials, and paid technical support for overseas projects


The new version of the front-end Binyan Java currency contract exchange (perpetual, second contract, option)
front desk:
Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: test
Password: 123456

Account: 13800138001
Password: 123456
otc, currency-to-currency transactions, flash swaps, currency-based perpetual contracts, U-based perpetual contracts, options contracts, second contracts, innovation labs (first launch (rush purchase), first launch (equal split), open positions) Carve up, free subscription, cloud mining machine), financial management (regular, fixed investment), etc., multi-language background, support multi-chain automatic deposit and withdrawal
A full set of 20,000 USDT. There is a separate charge for developing new features, including back-end Java, front-end Vue, native Android ios APP source code, deployment tutorials, and paid technical support for overseas projects


The old version of the front-end Binyan Java currency contract exchange (perpetual, second contract, option)
front desk:
Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: us +1 13800138001
Password: 123456

Account: test
Password: 123456

Account: 13800138001
Password: 123456
otc, currency-to-currency transactions, flash swaps, currency-based perpetual contracts, U-based perpetual contracts, options contracts, second contracts, innovation labs (first launch (rush purchase), first launch (equal split), open positions) Carve up, free subscription, cloud mining machine), financial management (regular, fixed investment), etc., multi-language background, support multi-chain automatic deposit and withdrawal
A full set of 10,000 USDT. There is a separate charge for developing new features, including back-end Java, front-end Vue, native Android ios APP source code, deployment tutorials, and paid technical support for overseas projects

Environment and Software Version
Local development environment
Node V10.15.1
NPM V6.4.1
JDK V1.8.0_131
IDEA 2019.2 Ultimate Edition
Xcode 11.5

Server deployment environment
Centos 7.6
Java openjdk version “1.8.0_212”
Kafka 2.11-2.2.1
Zookeeper 3.4.14
Mongodb 4.0.19
Redis 3.2.12
MySQL 5.6
ETH 1.10.2
BTC/USDT 0.11.0

Server configuration recommendations
The configuration that I suggest is not necessarily one that you must use. For lack of financial strength, you can reduce the allocation appropriately; If the fund strength is sufficient, it may also be allocated appropriately. Here’s my recommended server configuration and the three-party services I need:
Operating System: Centos 7.x

1,Server 1
(4 cores 8G, hard disk with default 40G of cloud service provider),Web server, bandwidth 5M to 10M, or larger, for storing front-end Web resources. The server needs to have Nginx installed for domain name forwarding.

2,Server 2
(8 Core 16G, 100G Hard DiskSSD), Bandwidth 1M (native mainly for intranet), used to build Kafka, MongoDB, Redis basic services.

3, Server 3
(8 cores 16G, default hard disk size 40G), bandwidth 1M (native mainly for intranet), for deployment 00_ Microservices under framework. The server needs to install Nginx for forwarding microservices.

4, Server 4
(8-core 16G, 800G hard disk `SSD’), Bandwidth 1M (native mainly for intranet), Wallet node for deploying BTC, USDT, ETH, preferably SSD. Run wallet_ Microservices under rpc.

5, Server 5
(4-core 8G, 100G hard disk), Bandwidth 1M (native mainly for intranet), Just buy MySQL database service provided by cloud service provider directly, MySQL version requires 5.6.

6, Aliyun OSS
(default 40G, tens of dollars a year seems)

7, SMS service
the system supports a variety of SMS, but you can easily add your own SMS platform, which supports Saime by default.

8, Mail Service (optional, the system has been modified to be registered directly through mail without verification)
Best buying advice
1, Insufficient funds
Tencent Cloud (Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.), a pay-per-volume model.

2. Sufficient funds
Aliyun (Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, United States, etc.), year-round package month mode.

These are the server configurations and three-party services you need. In fact, all microservices and software like Kafka can run on one server, but in a production environment, I recommend using multiple servers, mainly to isolate data, such as wallet nodes and basic software like Kafka, and services (various jar packages) from data.
In fact, MySQL databases recommend more stable cloud services, and of course you can also build MySQL yourself (which saves costs to some extent, but increases maintenance costs).[/center]